Vet Blog

3 Tips To Decorating Your House For Halloween While Keeping Your Cat Safe

October 10, 2018

You may have spent days, weeks and even months planning the perfect backdrop for your Halloween part, but have you given as much consideration to how safe your property is for your cat during this popular event?

There are many decorations that could pose a considerable threat to your pet and any other animals that may wander on to your property.

Be wary of including candy-based creations in your decoration

Candy centerpieces are becoming increasingly common additions to any Halloween party. While your candied-apple, lollipop or jell-o candy creation undoubtedly looks fang-tastic, the thought of tucking in to the goods that they can see can be all-encompassing for some cats, who simply can't resist. Unfortunately, candy-based confectionary, as well as some other sweet treats, is rich in Xylitol, a sugar substitute. This ingredient tricks your cat's body into thinking she is producing excess sugar and it needs to be balanced by releasing insulin. The problem is that when this happens, it could cause your cat's blood sugar levels to drop dramatically. Only a very small amount can have catastrophic consequences for your kitty and it takes effect quickly. For this reason, if you think that your pet may have consumed Xylitol, you will need professional help immediately.

Similarly, make sure that you don't leave candies on your porch for any trick-or-treaters. Your feline, or any passing cat, could decide that the prospect of a quick snack is too good to refuse!

Avoid any decorations that could cause your cat to choke

Animals aren't always the smartest creatures in the world when it comes to knowing what they should and shouldn't eat, and unfortunately, sometimes that is dangerous or toxic to them is to appealing to ignore. There are lots of different decorations that could pose a choking hazard, so we recommend that you think carefully before purchasing. Balloons are a very popular choice, but colorful, popped balloons are often mistaken for treats by animals. Some people like to use table confetti, but these can have sharp edges that could cut and injure your cat's mouth as well as cause a potential blockage.

One of the most hazardous decorations at Halloween is fake spiderwebs. These are available in a variety of shapes and forms, but all of them prove easy for your cat to get tied up in, and in some cases, cats have been strangled after becoming entangled within webbing decorations.

Opt for LED candles and fake flames wherever possible

There is little doubt that candlelight adds to the mystery and potential terror of Halloween, and many people choose to place small lit candles into their pumpkins. Left in the dark, these look eerie and create a feeling of danger. However, there is a very real danger posed by the use of real flames. Cats do not understand the risks associated with their use, and if your kitty jumps onto furniture or swings her tail, she could easily knock an unattended candle on to the floor. The ensuing fire doesn't bare thinking about.

Fortunately, there are now a greater range of 'flameless' candles than ever before. These are battery-operated and designed to replicate a conventional flame, but with little to no risk to your pet.

If you would like more information about how to decorate your home for Halloween with your cat's safety in mind, please do not hesitate to contact our offices in Columbus, NC.
